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“The national anthem, flag!(奏国歌、升国旗!)。”生活中我们应该经常向朋友分享一些心情句子。句子是传递情感的桥梁将人们连接在一起,你欣赏哪种类型的句子呢?为了回答您的问题笔者精心整理了英文小短句的相关资料,欢迎阅读这些句子希望它们能点亮你的心灵!


1、The life jacket failed to inflate.(救生衣未能充气。)

2、The following quotations underline this fact.(下面引用的名言便强调了这一点。)

3、Today we’ll visit an artillery brigade from the Western Military District.(今天我们将参观俄罗斯西部军区的炮兵某旅。)

4、The hen has five chicks.(母鸡有五只小鸡。)

5、My father was a born aristocrat.(我父亲是个天生的贵族。)

6、However, such a lover of beauty and reason might look askance at much of the content on the Internet.(然而,他这样一位理性与美的热爱者可能会对互联网上的大部分信息投以怀疑的眼光。)

7、Anna Christie was a born aristocrat.(安娜·克里斯蒂是个天生的贵族。)

8、He took a keen interest in his grandson's education.(他对孙子的教育很感兴趣。)

9、This letter is an annex to that report.(这封信是那份报告的附件。)

10、was struck by her youth and enthusiasm.(她年轻热情,把我迷住了。)

11、These chopsticks are beautiful!(这些筷子真漂亮!)

12、"What if there's nothing left at all?" he cried, lost in some intense existential angst.(“要是什么都没了会怎样?”他大叫起来,迷失在某种强烈的攸关人类存亡的痛苦中。)

13、After I explained to Juan that yes, we did have a moon and yes, it was very similar to his, I felt a sort of awe at the possibilities that existed in his world.(当我向胡安解释说,是的,我们确实有一个月亮,是的,它和他的月亮非常相似,我对他的世界里存在的可能性感到一种敬畏。)

14、But in the age of the Internet, coverups arouse instant suspicion and are counter-productive.(但是,在互联网盛行的今天,掩盖事实会激起民众的怀疑并产生相反的结果。)

15、The national anthem, flag!(奏国歌、升国旗!)

16、So, held back here the heavy artillery.(那么,藏在后面的是重炮。)

17、Whither away so early, Little Red-Cap?(这么早出门去呀,小红帽?)

18、She's holding a doll.(她正抱着一个娃娃。)

19、Photo 305: Awning at high structure channel.(图305:高架人行平台的遮阳棚。)

20、Criticism tends to undermine and constrain the artist's creativity.(批评家总是削弱和限制艺术家的创造力。)


21、They declared him (to be) a traitor to the country.(他们公开宣布他是国家的叛徒。)

22、It was a lady; her cloak and cap were of snow.(这是一位女士;她的斗篷和帽子是雪做的。)

23、My uncle had his youthful spirit at 65.(舅舅65岁了,精神上依然年轻。)

24、Eating oranges keeps colds at bay.(吃橘子可防感冒。)

25、The responses of raindrop on the absolute change of electric field angle are week.(雨滴对电场角度绝对值变化的反应较为缓慢。)

26、Part of the issue is that the government did not anticipate the steep increase in airline travel, so the TSA is now rushing to get new screeners on the line.(一部分问题是政府没有预料到航空旅行的急剧增长,因此运输安全管理局现在正急着在线路上安装新的安检设备。)

27、They are all glued to the Olympic Games.(他们都全神贯注于奥运会。)

28、Then Athaliah tore her robes and shouted, 'Treason!(亚他利雅就撕裂衣服,喊叫说,反了。)

29、Switzerland isn't all cow bells and yodeling, you know.(你知道,瑞士不仅仅只有牛铃声和约德尔调歌声。)

30、Our main products are all kinds of serial products about wall tiles, antic tiles and glazed floor tiles.(主要有各种规格内墙砖系列产品,各种规格的复古砖系列产品,釉面地砖系列产品。)

31、Try not to arouse his suspicion.(想办法不要让他起疑心。)

32、When Peter, who had not paid much attention, saw her suddenly in her light attire, he grinned.(彼得本来没怎么注意她,突然看见她穿着一身轻便衣服,便咧嘴笑了。)

33、In leisure time, my parents played with me and Coco.(在业余时间,我的父母和我和Coco一起玩耍。)

34、There be Punch-and-Judy shows, and monkeys—oh such antic creatures!(有潘趣傀儡戏,还有猴子——哦,多么滑稽的动物!)

35、r did universities get extra money for the Bologna process, a source of much angst.(德国大学也没有因为博洛尼亚进程得到额外的钱,这是忧虑的另一个来源。)

36、Below these awning, there is a car park, an indoor athletics, baseball and cricket facility.(在这些遮阳篷下方,有一个停车场和室内田径、棒球、板球设施。)

37、It's time for bed, little goose, little goose.(该睡觉啦,小小鹅,小小鹅。)

38、The market at present commonly used wind awning material properties are not very ideal, have strong wind weather more dangerous.(目前市场常用的雨篷材料防风性能都不太理想,遇到大风天气比较危险。)

39、spacious terrace shaded by an awning overlooks an interior courtyard.(该公寓有一座带雨篷的宽敞平台眺望着内庭。)

40、The net profit amounts to 20 dollars per ton of ore.(每吨矿砂的净利达20美元。)


41、He put on the air of an aristocrat.(他摆出一副贵族的架势。)

42、Complications include rebleeding, corneal blood staining, anterior synechiae, and glaucoma.(并发症包括再次出血,角膜血染,前房粘连,和青光眼。)

43、The little pupil took his grandma by the arm and walked her across the street.(小学生拉着奶奶的胳膊,带她过了马路。)

44、Treason in this country is still punishable by death.(在该国,叛国仍是死罪。)

45、The defenders' artillery was posted to the rear of the main line of trenches.(防守一方的炮位被布置在这些主堑壕后方。)

46、w that women are the majority of college students and surpass men in both the number of undergraduate and advanced degrees awarded, one might think the college campus is a pretty equal place.(如今,女性在大学生中占多数,其获得本科学位和高等学位的人数都超过了男性,因此人们可能会认为大学校园是一个相当平等的地方。)

47、Inevitably the transition will yield some sticky moments.(转型过程中难免会有棘手的时候。)

48、He'll come to a sticky end one of these days if he carries on like that.(如果他继续这样,将来不久会落得个可悲的下场。)

49、His group has found hundreds of genes that encode enzymes which produce flavourings and aromatic compounds.(他的团队还揭秘了几百种酶的基因,正是这些酶的基因控制了造成浓郁口味和芬芳气味的化合物。)

50、Reading the real meaning is interpretation, or be misreading, especially be arrant misreading.(阅读的真正含义在于解读,或者被误读,特别是被彻头彻尾的误读。)

51、John grinned boyishly.(约翰孩子气地咧嘴一笑。)

52、Vivisystems must anticipate to survive.(活系统必须为存活而预期。)

53、He has been branded a traitor by his former comrades.(在前同伴眼中,他就是一个叛徒。)

54、Bees are capable of addition and subtraction — using colors in the place of plus and minus symbols.(蜜蜂会做加减法——它们用颜色来代替加号和减号。)

55、He paid a month's rent in advance, just enough to satisfy the landlord's avarice.(他预交了一个月的房租,正好满足了房东的贪心。)

56、After coffee, Gastler asked for the bill.(喝完咖啡,加斯特勒要了账单。)

57、Talk about it among yourselves.(你们之间讨论讨论。)

58、Nick likes to read comics.(尼克喜欢看连环漫画书。)

59、If one day you feel like arrant...(果有一天你想要哭。)

60、anticipate his arrival at four o 'clock.(我期待他4点钟到达。)


61、Standing with arms akimbo, my mom criticized me for coming home too late.(我妈妈双手叉腰,为我晚到家骂我。)

62、But it's about recognizing that Serbia's got to atone for this, pay its price and move on.(而是塞尔维亚必须为此赎罪,付出其代价并继续向前。)

63、have a black cap.(我有一顶黑色的帽子。)

64、Silly mistakes and queer clothes often arouse ridicule.(荒谬的错误和古怪的服装常引起讪笑。)

65、Confederate artillery broke up the northern attack.(南方军的炮火粉碎了北方军的进攻。)

66、Business attire (suits and dresses).(商务装(西装和连衣裙)。)

67、He bought me a new coat.(他给我买了一件新外套。)

68、She laughed and coughed, and the husband ran from the room with an ashen face, as if he'd seen a fulminating witch, some kind of horror flick apparition.(她边笑边咳嗽,丈夫脸色苍白从房间里跑出来,好像他见到了一个暴怒的巫婆,像是某种恐怖片里的幽灵似的。)

69、he transferred to Germany, the traitor.(B:他转会去德国了,这个叛徒。)

70、Garber first came to Harvard in 1973 as an undergraduate.(加伯于1973年作为一名本科生首次来到哈佛大学。)

71、Everyone saves money when you reuse bags.(重复使用袋子可以让每一个人都省下钱来。)

72、feel funny carrying this doll around.(我抱着这个娃娃到处走有点滑稽。)

73、On Tuesday night, we will tuck in our daughters like we always do.(周二晚上,我们会像往常一样给女儿们掖被子。)

74、The serratus anterior is an important scapular stabilizer.(前锯肌是重要的肩胛骨稳定肌。)

75、He transferred to Germany, the traitor.(他转会去德国了,这个叛徒。)

76、He took that as an auspice of happiness.(他把那看作是幸福的征兆。)

77、Boys and girls, believe in yourselves.(孩子们,相信你们自己。)

78、She gave him a quick, upward look, then lowered her eyes.(她飞速地抬眼看了看他,然后又垂下双眼。)

79、On the other side, diehard Mugabe fans think him a traitor.(另一方面,强硬的穆加贝支持者则视马科尼先生为叛徒。)

80、He tried to atone for his rudeness by sending her flowers.(他想送些鲜花给她来弥补自己的粗鲁无礼。)


81、Her father was an English aristocrat.(她的父亲曾是英国贵族。)

82、He wished to atone for the wrong he had done.(他希望为他从前所犯的过错赎罪。)

83、can stand on one toe for hours.(我可以用一只脚趾站上好几个小时。)

84、There was enough for the doll and even some spare money left.(这些钱足够买娃娃了,甚至还有一些剩余的钱。)

85、The wicked stepmother told one of her two daughters to cut off her big toe to fit into the shoe.(那个邪恶的继母叫她的两个女儿中的一个把她的大脚趾剪下来,以适应鞋子的大小。)

86、Timidity is the traitor betray our soul.(怯弱是出卖我们灵魂的叛徒。)

87、Expensive clothing is generally designed to make you look like an aristocrat who can afford couture.(昂贵的衣服通常都是以让你看起来像能买起高级时装的贵族为设计理念的。)

88、Jane's aunt disliked him very much and had some bad auspice.(简的阿姨非常讨厌他并有一些坏预兆。)

89、Researchers often express awe at autism's complexity.(研究者常常对自闭症的复杂性显得有些胆怯。)

90、Wavefront analysis and Scheimpflug imagery are very important in diagnosis of anterior lenticonus.(波前分析和沙氏图像在前圆锥形晶状体的诊断中非常重要。)

91、Yale and Harvard have led the way, offering every undergraduate at least one international study or internship opportunity—and providing the financial resources to make it possible.(耶鲁和哈佛在这方面起了带头作用,它们为每个本科生提供至少一个跨国实习或学习的机会,并为其提供资金支持。)

92、Centuries later, Marsilio Ficino similarly promoted drinking young blood as a means for the elderly to regain their youthful vigor.(几个世纪后,马西里奥·菲奇诺同样提倡饮酒,以此作为老年人恢复年轻活力的一种手段。)

93、You can imagine, this is a national anthem?(你能想象到,这会是一个国家的国歌吗?)

94、But what if you are trying to persuade someone cold, without knowing whether they are a thinker or a feeler?(如果你想说服的人恰好是个闷罐子,你怎么去弄清楚他的思维类型呢?)

95、Her great natural beauty was, if not heightened, rendered more obvious by her attire.(她本来是一种天然的美丽,穿上那一身服装,如果说不是更美了,那也是更加显眼了。)

96、If you feel any tension in your neck, tuck your towel under your head for support.(如果你觉得你的脖子有点紧张,叠块浴巾放在脖子下面做支撑。)

97、Jack and his mother had all the money they could ever want thanks to the hen and Jack was never bored as he loved to listen to the magical harp.(多亏了那只母鸡,杰克和他妈妈得到了他们想要的所有钱。杰克喜欢听神奇的竖琴,从不感到无聊。)

98、The town band led off by playing the national anthem .(市乐队以国歌开始他们的演奏。)

99、His decision comes after years of family strife and personal angst.(他的决定是经过数年与家人的争吵和个人的焦虑之后做出的。)

100、Humans, says Edward M. Hallowell, have the ability to call up images of bad things that happened in the past and to anticipate future events.(爱德华·哈洛威尔说,人类有能力回忆过去发生的不好的事情,并预测未来的事件。)


101、Happily, the older and more continental view of legal education is establishing itself in a number of Canadian universities and some have even begun to offer undergraduate degrees in law.(令人高兴的是,更古老和欧化的法律教育观点正在一些加拿大大学中逐渐确立,一些大学甚至已经开始提供法学本科学位。)

102、In the past, the awning was mainly made of cotton or canvas, so it could not stand the influence of outdoor environment and other factors.(过去的遮阳篷主要是棉质的或帆布质的,所以经不起室外环境等因素的影响,没有经久耐用的特性。)

103、Many other raindrops fall at the same time, but our story is about just one raindrop.(许多其他的小雨滴也同时掉了下来,但是我们的故事只涉及到其中一滴。)

104、They have certain underlying similarities.(他们有某些潜在的相似性。)

105、Mutual trust and confidence are the foundation atone of all friendship.(相互间的信赖与对彼此的信心才是友谊的基石。)

106、This rock sticks out; The awning extends several feet over the sidewalk.(这块岩石伸出来了;遮阳蓬伸出几个脚在人行道上。)

107、If not, your possessions are safest in a pocket with a button-down flap.(如果没有,你的物品放在有纽扣的口袋里是最安全的。)

108、Brown was tried and convicted of treason.(布朗以叛国罪受到审讯及定罪。)

109、They went into town to indulge in some serious shopping.(他们进城去大肆购物。)

110、I'm giving him a B minus.(我打算给他一个B-。)

111、National chains that once ignored Harlem now anticipate yuppie money and want pieces of this prime Manhattan real estate.(曾经对哈莱姆区视而不见的全国性连锁企业,现在期待着雅皮士的钱,还想要占据曼哈顿的黄金地产。)

112、The basket being large and heavy, Car had placed it for convenience of porterage on the top of her head, where it rode on in jeopardized balance as she walked with arms akimbo.(篮子又大又重,卡尔为了走路方便些,就把篮子放在头顶上顶着,当她两手叉腰走路的时候,篮子就在她的头顶上危险地摇晃着。)

113、Snowboarding is now an Olympic sport.(滑雪板运动现在是奥运会比赛项目。)

114、It can transmit among people.(这种病毒能够在人群中传播。)

115、Thirteen, as we well know, is regarded with great awe and fear.(我们都知道,人们对十三这个数字充满敬畏和恐惧。)

116、It has long been known that a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big advantage over Zodiac cars when customers thumb through their phone directories.(人们早就知道,当顾客翻阅电话簿时,AAAA汽车公司比Zodiac汽车公司有很大的优势。)

117、The sausage remained so long away, that they became uneasy, and the bird flew out to meet him.(香肠出去太久了,他们感到不安,小鸟飞出来找他。)

