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5、May you have no worries in the New Year and be happy and successful!

6、The sound of firecrackers breaks the old troubles and fireworks usher in the good omen of the Spring Festival. The bright red lanterns reflected on every joyful face. Spring Festival is coming, I wish you all the best and happiness!

7、The New Year is coming, and friendship is very precious. I wish you a good smile and a wonderful taste.


9、The Spring Festival is coming. For the sake of the earth's environment and resources, please consciously reduce the purchase of traditional paper greeting cards. You can fill in a congratulatory message on large denomination RMB and send it to me. Thank you for your support for environmental protection! Wish you a happy Spring Festival!

10、I wish you good luck and peace.

11、The Spring Festival has come, and magpies are chirping on their heads. Joy and happiness are on the tip of my brow, and fortune comes to fortune. Looking forward to a bright new year, we should work hard to make progress. Friends raise their glasses to celebrate peace, and only when they are not drunk can they know that they will stop!


13、The New Year is coming, I wish you a happy New Year, all the best, happiness and health.

14、In the new year, only happiness is left for you!

15、Unforgettable reunion tonight, happy family Taotao.

16、The New Year is coming. I want to learn from Newton, get rich and look for cattle, learn from cowherd romantically, and drink milk healthily; When dealing with people, don't pull the bull's tendon, blow the bull's skin and stare at the bull's eyes. You can be arrogant all year round!


18、When the earth warms up and the Spring Festival comes, the water on the bridge is in full bloom. Big red lanterns are hung up to welcome guests and wealth. Get the red envelope for the Spring Festival. The girl is beautiful and the boy is handsome. Worry and sorrow will never come again, and the God of Wealth will worship each other. Happy New Year! Congratulations on getting rich!

19、Seven stars shine high and seven sons are reunited.

20、Healthy, happy and blessed, a happy year for the whole family.

21、When the Spring Festival comes, people are in high spirits. The sound of gongs and drums encourages a new journey. The frequent passing of text messages bless and pray for each other. The old year's troubles and sorrows are gone forever. I wish you a happy Spring Festival and a great career!

22、On New Year's Eve, I hope you can eat and drink well and enjoy the family reunion!




26、Send you a night of bright stars to make your dreams last.


28、2022, start from scratch! Let go of the past, let your heart go back to zero, go to battle light and march forward bravely!

29、When the golden rat bid farewell to the old year and the golden bull declared spring, I, along with my family and secretary Annan, bodyguard Putin, butler Blair, driver Bush, domestic slaves Koizumi, Shui Bian and others, sent you holiday greetings: Happy New Year and have a good time!



32、I wish you good luck in your finances.

33、Great achievements make business more lasting. A little integrity is like water, and business is as stable as a mountain.

34、Blessing, safety, health and good luck shield.

35、The New Year is a happy and auspicious year.



38、2021, give yourself a chance to start again. Good morning.


40、New year, new events, new start, new starting point, and new harvest.

41、Welcome the new year, welcome happiness, and welcome prosperous business. Wish you luck and happiness on New Year's Eve!

42、From having nothing at the beginning of the year to having no money at the end of the year. Never forget your original intention, and you will be busy in vain.




46、It is destined to meet, but not to meet. I hope we can recall each other at the ends of the earth.(76范文网 m.fW76.CoM)

47、Everything is going well, and the money is rolling.


49、The Year of the Ox is coming. May you be prosperous and prosperous!







56、Harmony, auspiciousness, family happiness, and peace throughout the year!

