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2、Best wishesfromMark, Janet and the kids.

3、In the new year, may you enter the new year with peace, health, happiness, warmth, sweetness, wealth and good luck and spend every day happily!


5、I wish you a happy new year, bright sunshine, elated love, complacent career, bad luck and everything! The year of the tiger gives you a cash cow, getting richer year by year.









14、Good luck is the postman, the God of wealth is the messenger, happiness is the stationery, happiness is the stationery, peace is the parcel, sincerity is the postmark, friendship is the handwriting, happy hometown is the address, and the recipient is the only you. Happy New Year!




18、Gongs and drums are noisy and firecrackers are noisy. Red lanterns are hung and Spring Festival couplets are pasted on the door. The door God stands by two sides. Don't enter the room if you are worried. Like the Spring Festival, everyone prays for good luck. Wish you a new year, a happy life and a prosperous career!





22、Singing and dancing, spring is together, booing the cold and greeting the warm, paying homage to the new year, the auspicious stars shine on people Kangtai, and the emotional interaction is full of love. Happy Spring Festival!

23、Safety is the most expensive, happiness is the best, happiness is the most beautiful, happiness is the best, happiness is the best, and health is the best! I wish you peace, joy, happiness and good health in the New Year!

24、When the Spring Festival comes, new blessings are given to you: "new" fresh "clothes and hats," Xin "Xin Xiangrong" new "century," salary "fire" heart "peace of mind," Xin "fragrance, beauty" new "yourself! I wish you a new spring festival Start!




28、A ray of sunshine is my deep blessing to you. The last bright red of the sunset is my heartfelt greetings to you. On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I send my sincere blessing: Happy New Year!



31、Gather the sunshine of the Himalayas, gather the breeze of the ends of the earth, block the blessing of the Gangdise mountains, absorb the wealth of Bill Gates, and give it to you as a gift. I wish you a happy New Year!




35、New start, new hope, I hope you have a new face, a new road and a new scenery in the new year, I hope you have a new atmosphere in the new world, and I wish you a happy Spring Festival.



37、Tiger spirit brings good luck for a long time, and the year sends happy family Ruixiang. The earth smiles with the wind and the sun, and the hall is full of auspicious stars. Everything goes well in spring. Today, SMS messages send greetings, meaning deep affection and warm heart!


39、Everyone is busy during the Chinese New Year. The host and the western family are really happy. They can make lucky money. Adults are really annoyed. They have to spend thousands of yuan for the Chinese New Year. Several boxes of gifts are exchanged with each other. In the end, the boxes are worn out. They don't eat a few meals a day and make wine drink into alcoholic liver. I wanted to spend the new year alone, but it costs money to hurt their health.




43、When the new year is coming, we will send our warm greetings, sincere blessings and deep affection to you through thousands of mountains and rivers by means of loving messages. I wish you a happy Spring Festival!


45、Open the prelude to the Spring Festival, dance happily, wish you happiness in the song, wish you happiness in the joy, wish you a happy new year, health and peace, prosperity and prosperity in all things!

46、May my best wishes bring you a happy New Year! May the light of auspiciousness shine on you every day! May sunshine and flowers fill your life journey! I wish you a happy New Year!

47、Shake off the fatigue of previous years, get rid of the troubles of previous years, cut off the pressure of previous years, welcome the hope of the new year, enjoy the celebration of the new year and create the dream of the new year. The new year has passed and the dream has set sail. I wish my friends a smooth work, prosperous career and a dream come true in the New Year!




51、Raise your glass in the bell of the new year. Let the mellow fragrance of the wine ripple in the air. Let my gratitude to you slowly precipitate in the glass. I wish my friends a happy, healthy and happy New Year!







57、When the Spring Festival comes, I will send you four "concentric circles": heart circle, dream circle, round circle; The source of wealth is blessed, and the source of wealth is found on both sides; Love and friendship, meet and have fate; Wish you a happy Spring Festival.


59、I wish you happiness in the Spring Festival, the completion of your dreams, the success of several things, the money you need, the blue sky, the bumper harvest, the safety of the road and the joy of what you hear. Happy New Year!

60、Thousands of miles of water and thousands of miles of mountains are in the hearts of bosom friends, relatives and friends; Jinniu is diligent, Yinhu is busy, and today he has time to tell his heart; The Spring Festival couplets are red and firecrackers ring, making the festival a joyous occasion; Sweet glutinous rice balls, fragrant dumplings, happy and healthy life every year!

61、Happy time, fast; The joy of the new year spread; Bell for work, calling; Clean up your mood and return to your post; Put aside leisure and regain efficiency, a new year, a new leap. I wish you all the best in the year of the tiger.



64、The bell of the new year has sounded, the joy of 2022 has begun to flutter, bright fireworks bloom hope, rich Spring Festival couplets carry wealth, cheerful carols cover the earth, and sincere blessings have set sail. I wish my friends a happy new year and a happy family!

65、Greet; Pick a piece of snow and float away your thoughts; Catch a ray of sunshine and sprinkle warmth; Send a text message to send blessings. Happy Spring Festival, happy New Year!


67、In the journey of life, time is always in a hurry; In the vicissitudes of life, things always change; In the New Year holiday, blessings are in my heart; Warm spring flowers bloom again, autumn and winter come again; Missing is not shallow, happiness is still. May you be happy forever!

68、The Spring Festival is coming. Please make a wish quietly, write a hope quietly, draw a desire silently, shout three times, open the door, and everything will come true!

69、The first ray of sunshine is my deep blessing to you. The last bright red of the sunset is my heartfelt greetings to you. On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I send my sincere wishes: Happy New Year!


71、In spring, heaven and earth are full of vitality; Summer, green shade; Autumn, fruitful; In winter, snowflakes fly. Throughout the year, spring and autumn alternate. What changes is the season, and what remains unchanged is my blessing to you. Happy New Year!



