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“Why can flowers fly until they die.”现在是互联网时代,许多人都会发晚安心语给朋友分享自己的喜怒哀乐,送去晚安问候语也是表达爱的一种方式,你对于哪种晚安心语是最有感情的?你是否对"英文晚安心语简短话"有所疑问让我们来为你提供答案,建议您定期休息和放松以保持精力充沛和思维清晰!

1、I want to get married、What can I do for you?

2、Youth is young, we should laugh loudly.

3、You know, time is meaningless before meeting you. good night!

4、Its better to look at a thousand studies than to practice.

5、The life is bright, the life is lovely, the world is worth, everything can be expected、good night.

6、Why can flowers fly until they die.

7、The heart is simple, the world is simple, and happiness will grow. good night!

8、When the night comes, say ^v^good night^v^ and wish you sweet dimples in your dream forever!

9、I like you, like a whale to the sea, like a bird to the forest.

10、Only by accepting the past and the present can we have the energy to pursue our own future. good night.

11、Please keep the moon and I love you. good night!

12、The undersea moon is the moon in the sky, and the person in front of me is my sweetheart. good night!

13、I hope you can wrap me in your coat this winter. good night!

14、The rain stops, but the night is still concerned, baby, good night!

15、You so ordinary name, but involve me so much emotion.

16、Quietly love, insist or defend.

17、Love, love, no RMB.

18、Blue thoughts, the evolution of the summer sun.

19、Tonight the moon in my heart has been knocked over by you again.

