
句子 > 祝福语 > 导航





2、I wish you a happy new year, bright sunshine, elated love, complacent career, bad luck and everything! The year of the tiger gives you a cash cow, getting richer year by year.

3、Tiger spirit brings good luck for a long time, and the year sends happy family Ruixiang. The earth smiles with the wind and the sun, and the hall is full of auspicious stars. Everything goes well in spring. Today, SMS messages send greetings, meaning deep affection and warm heart!

4、The Spring Festival is coming. Please make a wish quietly, write a hope quietly, draw a desire silently, shout three times, open the door, and everything will come true!

5、Shake off the fatigue of previous years, get rid of the troubles of previous years, cut off the pressure of previous years, welcome the hope of the new year, enjoy the celebration of the new year and create the dream of the new year. The new year has passed and the dream has set sail. I wish my friends a smooth work, prosperous career and a dream come true in the New Year!

6、Firecrackers bid farewell to the old year and celebrate the festival with blessings. Guests are full of smiles, raise their glasses and drink a happy spring. Messages send blessings. Happy new year, happy family, more than happy new year. I wish a happy Spring Festival.

7、In spring, heaven and earth are full of vitality; Summer, green shade; Autumn, fruitful; In winter, snowflakes fly. Throughout the year, spring and autumn alternate. What changes is the season, and what remains unchanged is my blessing to you. Happy New Year!


9、Cheer for the dream and make the year of the tiger full of passion; Cheer for happiness and make the year of the tiger full of joy; Waiting for happiness and keeping the year of the tiger warm; Bless your friends and make the year of the tiger prosperous. The year of the tiger is coming. May your life be brilliant and beautiful.

10、During the Spring Festival, I hope the troubles are far away from you. During the Spring Festival, I hope happiness will follow you. During the Spring Festival, I hope a friend will remain the same throughout your life. I wish you happiness and good luck.

11、In the journey of life, time is always in a hurry; In the vicissitudes of life, things always change; In the New Year holiday, blessings are in my heart; Warm spring flowers bloom again, autumn and winter come again; Missing is not shallow, happiness is still. May you be happy forever!

12、On New Year's Eve, celebrate the new year and have a good time together! Bright red lanterns hang high and look forward to a beautiful New Year! Singing and dancing all over the world, the whole country is jubilant and happy! I wish my friends a good mood, happy events on New Year's Eve, no less than a red envelope in their arms, and pick up money when they walk and fall! Happy New Year's Eve!


14、The sun is warm, the new year is coming quietly, good luck is gently around, happy smile, health is held for a long time, success is high step by step, happiness is beautiful year by year, peace is good year by year, blessings are slowly tasted, and the mood is wonderful every day! Happy New Year!

15、The sound of firecrackers leaves the old year and takes away the troubles of the past; Fireworks cluster in the night sky, shining the brilliance of the future; The Spring Festival couplets are attached to the door and wall, looking forward to a better next year; Delicacies are served on the table and happy New Year's reunion. Text messages send wishes for a happy new year and family reunion!

16、Happy time, fast; The joy of the new year spread; Bell for work, calling; Clean up your mood and return to your post; Put aside leisure and regain efficiency, a new year, a new leap. I wish you all the best in the year of the tiger.

17、The end of 2021: worry is the past, happiness is the present, glory is the future, sorrow has become yesterday, happiness only belongs to today, and happiness will accompany tomorrow!

18、I have been away for many days. I wish you countless happiness in this peaceful Spring Festival! I wish you a happy Spring Festival!

19、Look forward to today's you are happy, tonight's you are happy, tonight's you are sweet, 2022 you are smooth, this life you are happy, now you are healthy, happy Spring Festival!

20、Maybe years will fade the past, maybe space will be isolated from each other, but knowing that what we cherish is still true friendship, we will say happy new year to you again!

21、New Year's Eve is coming, and good luck is rolling to you; The sound of firecrackers is overwhelming, with continuous joy and celebration; SMS blessings come and go. I wish you all the best. Friends, I wish you a happy New Year's Eve, happy and happy!

22、Safety is the most expensive, happiness is the best, happiness is the most beautiful, happiness is the best, happiness is the best, and health is the best! I wish you peace, joy, happiness and good health in the New Year!

23、Seasons greetingsfromXiao Li and Ming Ming.

24、On New Year's Eve, firecrackers, singing and laughing, congratulating the new year, wishing you good luck, all the best, a happy new year, good luck and peace, a happy year of the tiger, good health, success and good luck!


26、Fireworks brighten the sky and bloom auspiciously; Singing breaks the cold and conveys joy; Wine moistens life and emits sweetness; SMS bless friends, happy. I wish you love and laugh all the time during the Spring Festival.

27、When the bell of the new year rings, I wish you a happy new year. I wish you all the best and happiness. I hope to make a fortune and hit good luck. The coming year is stronger than the next year.

28、The year of the tiger is coming with a happy face and flying spirit. Just for good luck, you can break through Yangguan Avenue. Everything goes well, the cause is created, and the family is happy and harmonious. More friends say, always think about in the side. I wish you great wealth, happiness and good health in the year of the tiger!

