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Why do we love the ones who ignore us, and ignore the ones who love us.~~还有哪些类似的句子可以参考?下面是句怡美的编辑帮大家整理的爱情祝福语英文短句摘抄(73句),在此提醒你收藏本页,以方便阅读!


1、To love someone in secret is like a seed in bottle waiting for growing up,though not sure whether the future will be more beautiful,stillwaiting it earnestly and eagerly。

2、May you two share every day of life together till forever.


4、This unbreakable bond that unites as one,Is as strong as the ascent of the morning sun. Infinite days and nights of joy stream by, And even beyond the day we die.我们两人间的纽带如此牢不可破,并如同东升的旭日势不可挡,无尽的幸福岁月陪伴着我们,生生世世。

5、Thinking of you still makes my heart beat fastest!

6、My lovve for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it.我对你的爱就像是泻肚子一样 让我把持不住.

7、I don’t want to be the first one。I want to be the only one。

8、The family you came from isn“t as important as the family your are going to have.

9、If I know what love is, it is because of you.

10、if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden .

11、love is like a butterfly. it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.

12、You are in my thoughts every minute of the day, in my dream every hour of the night.

13、love you not because who you are,but because who i am when i am with you.

14、You are my theme for a dream.

15、how do i say i love you? how do i tell you i care? how do i tell you i've missed you, and let you know i'm here?

16、Christmas gifts, as long as you, because with you, I have the whole world.

17、May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance. Happy Valentine’s Day Honey!

18、Peu de soleil, toujours ensoleillé 。小太阳 、依旧阳光明媚。


19、The cure for all ills and wrongs, the cares, the sorrows and the crimes of humanity, all lie in the one word 'love.it is the pine vitality that everywhere produces and restores life.

20、the most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman’s heart.

21、May all of our wishes come true this Valentine’s Day.但愿在情人节,我俩的美梦成真。

22、For years I had been searching,For that perfect fantasy, But, I find it in my arms, right now,You are all to me.


24、Your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead.

25、You take my breath away. 你让我忘记呼吸。

26、I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix.

27、Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live。

28、Wear colorful clothes at Christmas. You should shine like a Christmas tree. Happy Christmas!

29、Don't let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do.

30、Wherever you are,will always be behind you。


32、May you two linger on each other every day and night till the end of time.

33、Our love grows stronger with every passing year. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie.

34、love the way you smile at me, I love your laugh, so much, The way you walk, the way you talk, Your gentle kiss and touch. Abigail

35、May you have a good and happy day when Christmas is coming!

36、I’m proud of my heart。It’s been played,burned,and broken,but it still works。


37、When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop。Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us。If the sky is still vast,clouds are still clear,you shall not cry because my leave doesn’t takeaway the world that belongs to you。

38、If I cried a tear of painful sorrow,If I lost all hope for a new tomorrow,Would you dry my tear and ease my pain,Would you make me smile once again?

39、love starts with a smile, develops with a kiss and ends with a tear.


41、Don’t rush and never settle。If it’s meant to be,it will be。

42、Our love grows stronger with every passing year. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie.我俩的爱,一年比一年更坚定。亲爱的,情人节快乐。

43、Have not found often unforgettable love。Normally,no good results。

44、Love is giving someone the ability to destroy you and trusting them not to. 爱就是赋予某人摧毀你的力量却坚信TA不会伤害你。

45、Some memories are destined to be everlasting,just like some people can never be replaced。



48、Sending you a kiss to say I’m glad that you are mine. Happy the day!送你一个吻,悄悄的说我很高兴你是我的。情人节快乐!

49、want to hold your hand on Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie.

50、May I wish that all Jacks shall have Jills, all shall be well.

51、If you are not with the person whom you love …… love the person who is with.

52、May I turn into the snow on the Christmas tree and send you warm wishes.

53、I’m about to lose my mind,You’ve been gone for so long。

54、I fake a smile because I don’t want you to worry about what I’m feeling。


55、All you need is love.

56、you cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too.

57、don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.

58、love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.



61、Love is the only gold.

62、Think of me sometimes while Alps and ocean pide us, but they ever will, unless you wish it. (Byron)

63、When you have something you really love but it causes you pain, God is just testing you to see if you are strong enough to hold it. 当你真正喜欢一样东西,但它又给你带来伤害的.时候,其实这是老天在考验你是否足够坚持。

64、You will not be the same as I think you want me。

65、Precious things are very few--That must be why there's just one for you.

66、You light up my life.

67、Your love for me is a natural anti-depressant.


69、This unbreakable bond that unites as one,Is as strong as the ascent of the morning sun. Infinite days and nights of joy stream by, And even beyond the day we die.

70、You"re the one who holds the key to my heart.

71、most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love—pure without anydefect. however the truth is most people are having the glass-likelove-same transparent but easily broken.许多人向往水晶般的爱情——晶莹剔透没有一点瑕疵。更多人拥有的却是玻璃般的爱情——同样透明但容易破碎。

72、love is more than a word, it says so much. when i see these four letters, i almost feel your touch. this only happened since i fell in love with you. why this word does this, i haven’t got a clue. love不单是一个字,它还代表了许多意涵,当我看到这四个字母时,几乎能感受到你内心的感动。 但是这只发生在,我爱上你之后,为何这个字有如此的魔力,我也搞不清楚

73、Why do we love the ones who ignore us, and ignore the ones who love us.

