
句子 > 祝福语 > 导航





1、May the Lantern Festival be filled with joy and good luck!

2、The annual good night is good, Shu Qi Hong Xi thousand family music, lanterns and spring flowers.

3、The sky the moon is round yuanxiao round pot dinner table round you my mood more round just like yuanxiao sticky shout the pandas

4、It's another good year. I wish you all the best. I wish you a happy Lantern Festival and happy every day!



7、Welcome to the Lantern Festival. You raise your glass and wish me a happy new year.

8、元宵节到了,愿你尝着汤圆,快乐过节。 The Lantern Festival is coming. May you enjoy the dumplings and enjoy the festival.

9、Yuanxiaoye night Lantern Festival, the nightly Yuanxiaoye happy, happy years, the mid-happy, I wish you a happy holiday!

10、三五良宵年映红,月上元宵相约黄昏后,宵灯伴你绵绣前程事事通,月圆情缘财源愿愿随心!欢乐今宵!Three night in flames, the month on yuanxiao reunion after dusk, night lights with you future cotton embroidery, everything love revenue may want to do a full moon! Happy tonight!

11、It's a festive season. I wish you all the best.

12、千万个祝愿,在寒风中凝固,但元宵节的灯笼,元宵节的汤圆,元宵节的祝福却在温暖中传送,愿温馨、温情、温柔在祝福中停留,祝你元宵节快乐!Thousands of wishes, frozen in the cold wind, but the Lantern Festival lantern, Lantern Festival dumplings, the blessings of the Lantern Festival is transmitted in the warm, sweet, tender, gentle in blessing all of stay, I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

13、Best wishes for the Lantern Festival and sincere wishes for your happy Lantern Festival.

14、Relatives and friends get together and drink happily. I wish you Lantern Festival, happiness will not retreat!

15、May everything go well with you. Happy Lantern Festival!

16、wish you good luck and luck, happiness and happiness forever!

17、May your Lantern Festival bring you a good dream!

18、Laugh and laugh at the Lantern Festival night. May you make a lot of money every year and enjoy the Lantern Festival!

19、The Lantern Festival is coming. I wish you a happy and happy life!

20、The Lantern Festival arrives, I wish you: spring breeze, spring rain and spring are always there, good flowers, good months, good year!



22、eimei is life; en, en, and children happy, bless music around oon at night, reminds me of your face, a face of sy sincere greetings to you, a successful career, a lot of blessing, do 20xx people!


24、May you take the lead and move forward forever. I wish you a happy Lantern Festival.

25、Wish you a happy Lantern Festival and a happy family reunion!

26、正月十五月儿圆啊,祝福的话倍儿甜啊,愿你漂亮一年胜一年呀,好运好事常连连啊,元宵节快乐! The fifteenth day of the moon is round blessings are sexy sweet ah I wish you a beautiful year - a year ah good luck often repeatedly happy Lantern Festival!


28、ThemoonisroundandtheLanternFestivalisround.Themostroundisfamilyreunion.(722331.cOm 教师资源网)

29、Blessing sounds accompany you! Happy Lantern Festival!

30、the lantern festival, the blessing, send you the "menu" hot pot, to health soup pot, auspicious bulls as main ingredient, with joy, peace, good luck and happiness。 may you dream, all things festive!


32、Lantern Festival, I wish you all the best, family happiness!

33、Give you a bowl of sweet dumplings. May your love be sweet and happy.

34、May your luck come all day long and the Lantern Festival be filled with joy and laughter.

35、Water is a mountain of acacia cloud is the day the wind gently whispers in the night I was in your window singing: all together

36、The night of the Lantern Festival is continuous. Laughing and singing, thousands of wine appreciating lanterns.

37、Send you a sincere wish, wish you a happy day.

38、There are many good luck and good luck every year.

39、I wish the Lantern Festival a happy family and good luck.祝元宵节合家欢乐,吉祥如意。


41、Yuanxiao round, that is the fate of noble people, the future is smooth, there is wealth. Happy Lantern Festival!

