
句子 > 个性句子 > 导航






2、I miss you, but I am afraid of seeing you, but when I see you, my heart is constantly jumping, but the heart of jumping constantly does not dare to turn on you, but the heart of the opening is not even three words.The three words came out were afraid of being said to is the confession of love, I love you 520, I want to tell you my love!

3、I really want to crush the happiness together, let the sweetness continue for a few centuries; I want to light up the joy together, and let the happiness of happiness illuminate the search.My dear, I love you 520, it's so good to love it so!

4、A bouquet of roses represent my love. A box of chocolate insufficient represents my sincerity. A thousand paper cranes represent my heart. To do this, let you know my true meaning: I really like you very much you like youIntersectionIn the days of "520 I love you", I hope you can accept my love!

5、In my eyes, you will always be a little gentle than others, a bit beautiful, a little kind, and simple.520 I love you, I want to make you happy, a little sweet, happiness!

6、Love songs sing in spring, and beautiful love appears next to me.The time together, it seemed that everything happened yesterday.I love you so much that there is no reason, I love you and love you.520 I love you, I just want to accompany you all my life!



9、When the family is a man, for a man, he really adheres to it; when he is full of wealth, for a woman, he will never give up; this is the true love and preciousness of the world.I love you day, you love me, healthy and happy.

10、Send you a happy and harvest; send you a carefulness, harvest a thoughtfulness; send you a sincerity, harvest a heart.520 I love you, I want to send you a unchanged heart, gain a happy heart!

11、Missing you is my habit of life; dreaming you is my wish before bed; love you is my willingness; marry you is my , May 20, I want to say loudly: 520, I love you!

12、You are the arrogant lily that I blooming on the way to the way, waiting for my poetry Ya Yue to sing the love song in your heart, watching the exhausted mood of meWith every day of the morning and sunset every day, I love you 520, weave your beautiful love into poetry, shake your wonderful moonlight with your heart, every night I will not be lonely alone!

13、Fall in love with you and I can't escape the number of robberies, sitting in love for you, let love lock in my chest for a lifetime; fall in love with you, I can't escape, my heart is broken for you, and it is constantly obsessed with your goodness.


15、If you can, I am willing to spend every minute and every second in my life ~ accompany you ~

16、"Sea -dry stones" are the constant promises; "Di Jiu Tian Chang" is the unchanged love; "this life and this life" is the expectation of each other;Essence5, 20 I love you, I will be with my dear in this life, and love each other forever!

17、Find your figure, unforgettable your shadow; find your trace, keep your shadows in mind; search for you to take a photo, look forward to taking a photo with you.520 I love you, willing to hold hands with you, never break up, never let go!

18、The giant wheel of time can't erase my thoughts on you, even though the sea is dry, your figure will always exist in my heart.


